Mend Clinic

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Selected date

Tuesday June 25

Selected time

10:00 AM  –  3:00 PM

During the final week of Sergio Hudson Focus on the Fit exhibition, come learn hand-sewing techniques to keep clothes in your closet and out of the textile waste stream! In this workshop, students are given an introduction to the theory and practice of clothing repair. Participants will learn a variety of methods of repair for damage such as missing buttons, popped seams, rips, and abrasion. All supplies and and equipment are provided, but participants should bring a garment for guided repair. Ages 15-adult. Taught by David Hicks. 

David Hicks is a Columbia native and co-owner of Pannerpete Vintage. He dabbled in sewing throughout his early life but became more interested in it upon taking up a more active role at Pannerpete, which was founded by his wife Katie. At Pannerpete, David is responsible for assessing and mending used clothing of varying ages before it is offered for sale. His other interest include transit equity and woodworking."

Class must meet a minimum of 5 students to hold. In the case of a cancellation, students will receive a full refund of their purchase.