Unconventional Still Lifes

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Saturday May 11

1:00 PM  –  4:00 PM

In this two-part workshop, students use oils to paint still-life’s using items and objects unique to the still life realm. While taking inspiration from CMA Collection galleries and the Interior Lives: Modern American Spaces exhibition.  Ages 15 and up. Supplies and equipment provided. Taught by Austin Reynolds.

Reynolds is from Orangeburg, South Carolina. His work has been exhibited throughout the U.S., including shows at The Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, S.C., Collectors Choice in Camarillo, C.A., and ArtFields in Lake City, S.C. His most recent works have been created under the Emerging Artist Grant from the SC Arts Commission. Reynolds is based in Rock Hill, S.C., as an M.F.A. candidate at Winthrop University.

Class must meet a minimum of 5 students to hold. In the case of a cancellation, students will receive a full refund of their purchase. 

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